How to Play

The goal of the game is to keep the passenger count at every airport below 200.

To do this, you will connect airports by purchasing gates. Buying connecting gates costs two tokens, and unspent tokens can be viewed at the top of the screen.

On the left side of the screen, there is a modal where you can view an airport’s traveler count and connect it to other locations. Towards the top of this modal, you can view the airport’s IATA code, location, and its sum traveler count. As well, there is a dropdown menu to select your airport's designation. The designation does not affect the game, but the designation changes the color of the modal and the color of the gate dots, making it easier to find. Further below on this modal, other airports are listed. The amount of gates or stops between the two locations is viewable, as well as the amount of travelers between the two locations. Clicking on the plus or minus symbols on the right of each row allows you to purchase or sell gates at both locations. Clicking elsewhere in this row lets you navigate to the airport listed.

The far top of the screen provides useful information. Clicking on the Planelooly logo at the leftmost portion quits the game, which cannot be resumed at a later date. To the right, the current level number and location, the amount of tokens, and the current time are included. At the end of each day, new tokens are rewarded. The far top-right includes the play/pause button as well as the settings, which can be clicked on to adjust game speed, as well as view these instructions while in the game. Clicking the s key opens the settings as well. Clicking the or key adjusts the speed quickly.

Below the top right portion of the screen there is a quick glance of the system, including the amount of travelers currently needing to board a plane, as well as the current amount of airports. Clicking on any airport navigates the left modal to the airport.

Also on the screen, in the bottom right corner, is a map showing each airport and its connections. Clicking on a pin opens a small pop-up that includes the airport's name, code, and popularity.

Data for Planelooly was found on Wikipedia and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).





Day 1

12:00 PM


Boise, Idaho

NaN travelers
0 gates
"The early bird catches the flight"
0 travelers 1 destination
BOI New NaN travelers 0 gates
New airport: BOI